SafeTREC-UC Berkeley

Street Story for Tribes is crowdsourcing transportation safety community engagement tool developed by SafeTREC, ITS, UC Berkeley. To view the tool go to:  



National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)-Project 25-25 Task 114
Integrating Tribal Expertise into Processes to Identify, Evaluate, and Record Cultural Resources

The research objective of NCHRP 25-25, Task 114 is to understand and detail how tribal expertise can inform the requirements and intent of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) for surface transportation projects, recognizing federal agency government-to-government consultation responsibilities and addressing issues associated with confidentiality.
Task 114 seeks to explore successful Section 106 outcomes through collaborative incorporation of tribal expertise throughout the tribal engagement and consultation process, including identifying places of religious and cultural significance, assessing potential project effects on these significant places, and resolving any adverse effects. A critical and vital element of this study is to document tribal perspectives on how well FWHA and state DOTs take into account tribal expertise during the steps in the Section 106 process and provide opportunities for tribal voices and concerns to be heard.
As a first step in engaging tribes for this study, we developed an online survey for tribes. This brief survey asks questions about when and how tribal expertise is used on FHWA and state DOT transportation projects, and if tribal expertise is fully considered in agency Section 106 decision-making. We have also developed a separate online survey with similar questions for FHWA and state DOTs.
The results of the study, including the online surveys, will be summarized in a report that will be submitted to the NCHRP. The report will highlight what has been learned and will be made available to all tribes, state DOTs, FHWA offices, and historic preservation practitioners nationwide. Your participation will directly assist us in identifying best practices for the integration of tribal expertise in the Section 106 process.
Interested in Participating? Access the Tribal Survey On the attached flyer HERE, or go to:

Tribal Transportation Safety Planning Survey
The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC is conducting the Tribal Transportation Safety Planning Project (TTSP) for California Tribes. The project is designed to assist tribes in developing or updating a tribal transportation safety plan or long-range transportation plan. We are in the process of developing regional workshops to address the needs of tribal personnel who are involved in tribal transportation planning. All workshops and training materials will be provided free of charge for tribal personnel engaged in transportation or transportation-related planning.
The National Indian Justice Center needs your help to determine workshop locations and the type of information and materials that will best meet the needs of tribes and tribal personnel who may be interested in participating in the TTSP project. Whether your tribe has already completed a transportation safety plan, is currently engaged in transportation safety or long-range planning, or is just interested in finding out more about transportation safety plans and funding for transportation projects, please consider completing a brief online survey at:
All survey respondents will receive updated information about transportation training materials and workshop session dates and locations.  For interested tribal transportation or transportation-related staff members, the survey can also serve as an application to participate in the project.  For more information, please contact Joan Harper, NIJC Tribal Transportation Planning Coordinator, at  or 707 579-5507.

Tribal Consultation Online Toolkit
Funded by the California Consumer Protection Foundation (CCPF) Consumer Organics Fund 

NIJC will expand its Tribal Environmental Program (TEP) training program by updating an existing curriculum with an online toolkit module to serve several audiences. The curriculum that will be updated is entitled Understanding Consultation and Collaboration with California Tribes. With funding from the Consumer Organics Fund, NIJC will expand this curriculum to increase the capacity of California federally recognized and unrecognized tribes to effectively participate in state, regional and local decision making on issues of land development and environmental quality, given their impacts on community health and wellness and the connection to Native culture. In the expansion, NIJC will develop a new module for the curriculum with  downloadable and modifiable templates (e.g. sample consultation protocols, organizational charts and prioritization/decision matrices) and fact sheets or concept maps (tribal environmental authority, consultation best practices) that can assist those who are charged with consultation at the tribal level (both paid staff and volunteers) to be able to sort through, prioritize and make assignments and apply consistent and effective protocols to the myriad notices tribes receive annually.

Tribal Consultation Steps: From Receiving Agency Notice to Developing and Applying Tribal Consultation Protocols
Frequently, California Native American Tribes, both federally recognized and non-federally recognized, need to respond to notices to consult from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agencies and State, Local and Federal agencies on matters impacting their cultural and natural resources. Additionally, Tribes seek consultation with these agencies. We are very interested in learning about your Tribe’s needs in consultation.
Please tell us about your consultation needs by filling out a short questionnaire, using the following link: Tribal Consultation Toolkit Questionnaire or go to:
Your responses will help us develop the toolkit along with guidance from our project Advisory Committee. Thank you for your time and response. If you have questions about the needs assessment or the project, please contact Christy Garcia, Program Specialist, at, (707) 579-5507.

Tribal Road Safety Data Survey
California Tribes may be at a disadvantage when competing for road safety improvement funds due to relatively low population levels and the fewer number of roads associated with small Reservations and Rancherias. Inadequate funding along with implementation methods associated with Public Law 280 may contribute further to a roadway crash database that is inconsistent and often lacking for many parts of Indian Country.  The U.C. Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) is conducting the Tribal Road Safety Data Project that aims to improve how roadway crash data is collected and assist Tribal governments in accessing crash database information that can be used to support grant applications and inform the development of transportation plans. The final project report will recommend improvements in how roadway crash data is collected and shared among agencies throughout California Indian Country.
SafeTREC and the National Indian Justice Center (NIJC)/Tribal Transportation Safety & Planning Program (TTSPP) invite you to participate in an online survey designed to identify gaps in how crash data is collected. Survey responses will also help us develop an online training manual and training sessions designed to assist Tribes and/or workshop participants in accessing a new online database for roadways located on or near Tribal government lands. The results of the survey may also be used to generate or apply for funding to assist in the acquisition of equipment, training, software, and data collection, maintenance, and storage needs. 
We would greatly appreciate it if you could help us with this important project by using the following link to complete the online survey: 
Tribal Tansportation Safety and Planning Program (TTSPP) Needs Assessment Survey - Please share your training session and technical assistance needs with the TTSPP by responding to the TTSPP Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Survey. Your responses to the survey found at the link below will help us determine future training topics, locations and dates. Click Here to Complete the TTSPP Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Survey

On-Line Courses

The National Indian Justice Center is pleased to provide many online courses. For a list of the courses and a full description please go to the Distance Learning Website at:

Access to the NIJC Distance Learning Moodle Rooms
To access the Native American Children Training Forum (NACTF) courses go to:
To access all other NIJC online courses go to:


Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Project (SVIPV). A Commitment to Build Stronger and Safer Tribal Communities: - The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) received a cooperative contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Injury Prevention Center to develop a prevention training curriculum to build capacity among tribal leaders, tribal families, health service providers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, judges and non-Natives who work with the target population to engage Native American men and boys in SV/IPV prevention. The curriculum will potentially include, but is not limited to the following elements:

  1. A description of the dimensions of SV/IPV in tribal communities and the associated risk and protective factors including descriptions of individual, family and community stressors or factors that increase the risks of SV/IPV.
  2. Multi-generational trauma and its impact on violence prevention.
  3. An overview of effective and tested prevention strategies for working with men and boys.
  4. Developing community based strategies for changing men and boy norms and response including creating effective cross-cultural prevention educational tools and public information campaigns, and strategies for changing by-stander response to SV/IPV.
  5. Tribal code and policy development as prevention.
  6. Effective strategies for modeling and promoting non-violent individual and family behavior, accountability and positive choices with anger.
  7. Developing and sustaining peer-to-peer mentoring programs for boys and men and anti-violence champions.
  8. Understanding the special needs of FAS/FAE individuals and strategies for working with them around violence prevention.

The training curriculum will provide participants with methods for networking existing tribal, private organizations, public, state and federal resources and development of new local resources that will enable tribes to enhance the protective factors that will reduce incidences of SV/IPV in their communities. Click here to take survey

Safe Journeys: A Report on Roadway Safety in California Indian Country - This is a report on safety and roadway conditions in California Indian country. The purpose of this report is to show the lack of adequate data being collected on reservations regarding safety and roadway related accidents and deaths. There is also a lack of adequate funding for educational programs that teach about driver safety and other driver related precautions. Please read the following report, and then complete the survey provided. We appreciate your assistance in helping NIJC to gather data about the safety needs of your tribe. Click here to take the survey


Preparing a Healthy Path: Planning and Implementing Tribal Adult Healing to Wellness Courts for Participants Who Have FAS/FAE. - This curriculum was developed for tribal justice system personnel to provide information about and strategies for responding to the impacts of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) upon Tribal Courts, especially Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts. The curriculum also provides tools for justice systems to help meet the unique needs of tribal members who suffer from FAS/ARND and are defendants, witnesses or victims of crime. The goal of the curriculum is to promote FAS/ARND awareness among justice system personnel in an effort to increase responsiveness to tribal members who suffer from FAS/ARND. It is our hope that increased awareness of FAS/ARND will result in the development of local programs and efforts that reduce secondary disabilities associated with FAS/ARND.