NIJC has designed and conducted numerous education programs for tribal courts, tribal governments, law enforcement, social services, medical personnel, victims assistance programs and others throughout Indian country since 1983, including:
- Advanced Criminal Law
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Civil Law and Procedure in Indian Country
- Rez Violence
- Indian Civil Rights Act
- Indian Housing Law
- Juvenile Justice Systems
- Rez "Meth Crisis" (issues and answers)
- Tribal Court Management
- Tribal Court Probation
- Tribal Government Executives Management Course
- and many more!!!
For a detailed list of courses and materials, please go to the NIJC Training Schedule or Publications, or contact NIJC directly.

NIJC offers for sale many of the written training materials employed in our educational programs. For further information go to the NIJC publications list

To improve the quality of judicial services, tribal court systems should be reviewed periodically to determine the strengths and weaknesses of operations and procedures. This may be accomplished by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the entire system or the evaluation can focus upon specific areas of concern.
The staff of NIJC is experienced in evaluating the management practices of tribal courts. If you use NIJC's services in this area, we will examine your court system on-site and brief your court staff of our findings at the end of the site visit. Within five weeks of the site-visit, NIJC will submit to you a detailed report of these findings, including both short and long-term recommendations. Additionally, upon request NIJC will prepare for your court an operations and procedures manual tailored to your court and personnel with follow-up training to implement the manual or make operational changes.

In the past many tribal justice programs have suffered from defective code drafting and code revision. At NIJC, we believe that code drafting and revision must be made with an understanding of the special needs and legal requirements of each Indian jurisdiction. Indian tribes face problems that do not exist off-reservation. In addition, residual sovereignty permits them to provide unique solutions to the maintenance of law and order in Indian country.
The staff and consultants of NIJC have extensive experience in code development and practical experience in the day-to-day operation of tribal court systems. For example, NIJC has developed a model juvenile justice code and a tribal child/family protection code. For further information concerning these and other model codes, please contact NIJC.

The skills and experience of NIJC staff offer a vast resource to tribes and Indian organizations. Legal research, along with commentaries or opinions on specific issues, can be provided on the administration of justice in Indian country. NIJC also provides tribal governments with specialized consulting services in the broad categories of education, technical assistance and training. NIJC does not offer representation in the prosecution or defense of criminal cases or civil litigation.