
The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) proudly announces its Tribal Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Training Project with Team Members Bubar and Hall Consulting, Fasterhorse LLC, CSU Long Beach, Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT), the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium (SCRTTC) and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP). This Project is funded by the California Energy Commission's (CEC's) Clean Transportation Program Grant Agreement ARV-21-059 (https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/clean-transportation-program).


The Project goal is to leverage existing data tools, tribal networks, and training resources to promote a ZEV training program and a pipeline to ZEV industries from California Tribal Communities.

For more information on this Project, email Christy Garcia at christyg@nijc.org.

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