Tribal Traffic Safety Data Center

Crash map screenshot

As we begin Year Two, this project will continue to support and distribute the online tool, provide training on crash data collection for tribal communities and pilot test a strategy to collect tribal crash data with 3 to 5 tribes for the purpose of submitting the data to SWITRS.  If your tribe is interested in participating in this projects Year 2 activities including training on crash data collection and the pilot test of a strategy to collect tribal crash data, please complete the online application located at:

To obtain access the online tool, download the Tribal Crash Data Online Tool Training Manual, go to page 3 and follow the steps for obtaining a username and password to sign in to the online tool.

Update Notice - please clear your browser cache for updates to take effect.

For more information about this program call Ben Myers at: 707-579-5507 or email at:

Importance of Collecting and Analyzing Tribal Crash Data

Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death and injury in tribal communities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Web- Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS, online, Nov. 3, 2016) reports that:

  1. Injuries are the leading cause of death for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) ages 1 to 54 and the third leading cause of death overall.
  2. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of unintentional injury for AI/AN ages 1 to 44.
  3. Adult motor vehicle-related death rates for AI/AN are 1.5 times more than that of whites and that of blacks.
  4. Among AI/AN 19 years and younger, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional injury-related death, followed by drowning and poisoning.

Among infants less than one year of age, AI/AN have 8 times the rate of motor-vehicle traffic deaths than that of non-Hispanic whites. (Murphy T, Pokhrel P, Worthington A, Billie H, Sewell M, Bill N. Unintentional Injury Mortality Among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States, 1990-2009. AJPH 2014:104 -S3:S470-S480.)

To address the causes of motor vehicle crashes in tribal communities, we need complete and reliable crash data to:

  • Identify and correct safety problems;
  • Substantiate transportation safety funding proposals;
  • Develop tribal transportation safety plans and long range transportation plans; and,
  • Ultimately, save lives!

About SafeTREC, NIJC, and the Tribal Crash Data Online Tool Project

Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) was founded in 2000. SafeTREC is part of the University of California, Berkeley, and is affiliated with the School of Public Health and the Institute of Transportation Studies. SafeTREC has three emphasis research areas:

  • Data Analysis and Data Tools
  • Technology for Road Safety
  • Policy Analysis and Community Outreach

SafeTREC's mission is the reduction of transportation-related injuries and fatalities through research, education, outreach, and community service. Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for people aged 1 to 34 in the U.S.—and a major cause of minor and debilitating injuries for all age groups.

National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) has prior experience working with tribal, federal, and state entities on tribal road safety issues. NIJC is working with SafeTREC on this important tribal crash data project.

The goals of the project are to:
  • Reduce the number of persons killed in traffic collisions.
  • Reduce the number of persons injured in traffic collisions.
  • Improve traffic safety on tribal lands in California by improving quality, access, and utilization of traffic safety data.

This project employs an advisory committee comprised of tribal and state agency representatives. The project includes this training program on how to use this tool for tribal transportation crash data analysis, conducting three (3) regional training sessions on how to use the online tool, survey and evaluate the training participants to measure the effectiveness of the training and develop a Tribal Transportation Safety Data Center.