Tribal Transformation Safety and Planning Program

Ongoing Training Programs

(Local, Regional, National and On-Line Training Also Listed Here)

Please share your training session and technical assistance needs with the Tribal Transportation Safety and Planning Program (TTSPP) by responding to the TTSPP Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Survey. TTSPP can assist with lining up training programs and technical assistance as needed by the tribes and within budgetary constraints of the program. Your responses to the survey found at the links below will help us determine future training topics, locations and dates.

General Tribal Transportation Needs Survey - Needs assessment focusing on general transportaion needs (ranging from admistration capacity building totransportation project implementation).

Injury Prevention Specialist (IPS) Program Needs Survey - Needs assessment focusing on specific transportaion needs (child safety seats, passenger restraints and DUIs)


Roads Inventory Field Database System (RIFDS)


RIFDS Access Checklist

FHWA Resource Center
The Mission to advance transportation technologies and solutions through training, technical assistance, technology deployment, and partnerships.
For more information go to:

National Transit Institute (NTI)

The National Transit Institute, at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, was established under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 to develop, promote, and deliver training and education programs for the public transit industry. To visit the website go to:

Transportation Safety Institute (TSI)
Welcome to the USDOTs Transportation Safety Institute Learning Management System. Our continuing mission is to develop and provide world-class safety, security, and environmental training, products, and/or services for both public and private sectors. To visit the website go to:

National Highway Institute (NHI)
The National Highway Institute (NHI), a division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), works to improve the performance of the transportation industry through training. To achieve this mission, NHI provides transportation-related training in several formats including both classroom-based and online learning as well as free Web-based (WBT) seminars and asynchronous training materials. For course search, description and registration click here.

Ongoing National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)

The National RTAP eLearning portal is an online Learning Management System (LMS) that hosts National RTAP training modules and links to outside trainings and other resources.  Similar to the traditional training guides and discs, the online training on the National RTAP LMS is available for FREE.  eLearning websitelink.

Ongoing Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) The PASS basic program consists of 6 modules and includes comprehensive training on the assistance that drivers should be providing to passengers with special need. It is based on CTAAs Passenger Service and Safety (PASS) driver and trainer certification program that has successfully trained and certified over 25,000 drivers and instructors. It is regarded as an industry standard and we are proud to offer this opportunity to take the training in an online format.Course link.