Tribal Transformation Safety and Planning Program

Transportation Newsletters

TTSPP Newsletters

Current Newsletters

Archive of newsletter issues from the Western TTAP Program

American Public Works Association (APWA)

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)

National Rural Transportation Assistance (RTAP)

CALTrans News

University of Minnesota, Center for Transportation Studies

Journal of Transport and Land Use

Montana LTAP Newsletter

National Association of County Engineers

Northwest Tribal Transportation News

Safe Routes to School - E-News

Transportation Research Board E-Newsletter

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Better Roads

National Conference of State Legislatures

National Concrete Bridge Council

Sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and published by the National Concrete Bridge Council, HPC Bridge Views provides current information on design and construction of high performance concrete (HPC) bridges in a newsletter format. Included in the newsletter are articles on design, construction practice, and concrete mixes used on actual bridge projects and research findings. HPC Bridge Views is designed so that bridge professionals can keep abreast of the latest information on such topics as high strength, lightweight, and self-consolidating concrete, durability, structural design, and testing.

Published every two months, new and previous issues of HPC Bridge Views are posted on the dedicated website To receive HPC Bridge Views subscribe online at