Native American Children Training Forum


NIJC is dedicated to providing the highest quality and cost-effective training sessions and provides each trainee/attendee with a comprehensive course manual and certificate of completion. NIJC designs and conducts ON-SITE training tailored to specific needs.


ICWA Placement Preferences Webinar
The webinar content is designed for anyone who wants to become familiar with the ICWA placement preferences including tribal members, child welfare workers, and others involved in child welfare matters.
Webinar Materials:

ONLINE COURSES (Enroll now!):
NACTF online training courses are specific to California and federal rules governing the implementation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). To establish a user account and be enrolled in the courses click here, or contact Barry at It will take one to two business days to receive your username and password to access the courses. Once you log in, click on Native American Children Training Forum at: to start the following online courses.

To view our NACTF Student Guide to Moodle, click here.  

Child Abuse Investigative Protocols—introductory course on child abuse and neglect including statistics, adverse effects, prevention strategies, identifying and investigating child abuse protocols, and mandatory reporting and procedures.

Tribal STAR: Indian Child Welfare Act: This course was developed through coordination and support with Tribal STAR to adapt their existing ICWA: Let the Spirit Lead… training into an online format.  The focus of the course is the historical, philosophical, and legal bases for the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA); the origins and legacies of historic distrust and trauma; issues of fairness, equity, and the disparities experienced by Indian/Native American children and their respective families within the child welfare system; assist the participant in understanding the fundamental concepts of culture; understanding how ones own culture affects ones perceptions, behavior, values; and know how cultural differences and unconscious bias can affect service delivery.

ICWA 101: This course is an introductory overview of the Indian Child Welfare including but not limited to: the Indian Child Welfare Act policy and intent, Adoption and ICWA, Reporting procedures in Indian Country, State court & federal responsibilities regarding implementation of ICWA, preparing an ICWA case, Abuse and Neglect and the ICWA, identifying the Indian child, Active versus Reasonable Efforts, Customary Adoption, and Expert Witnesses.

ICWA Qualified Expert Witness: This course will discuss when to use an expert witness, how they can and should be used, and from what lists should be generated. The course would assist tribal representatives, advocates, community members etc, on the unique categories of expert witnesses and differentiating the various ways that Expert Witnesses can be utilized in an ICWA case. It is imperative that members of tribal councils, tribal court judges and child welfare service providers understand the application, requirements and interaction between these laws especially in developing use of an Expert Witness.

Computer Literacy: This course will provide training in the understanding, use and operation of commonly utilized computer programs, distance learning tools, and various online and other tools needed for distance learning and teleconferences.  Some examples may include how to develop teleconference/webinar training or conduct a teleconference meeting, using free sources like Skype, smart phones, Microsoft Office, and PDFs to increase efficiency in work.
The following online courses will become available soon: 

Active Efforts— This course provides an introductory overview of Active versus Reasonable Efforts under ICWA including: what are active efforts, responsibilities and requirements to provide active efforts, evidentiary standards and the impact of the revised guidelines, and how to implement active efforts in an ICWA case.

Mandatory Reporting: This course provides an introductory overview of Mandatory Reporting under ICWA including: California law governing mandatory reporting; mandatory reporters and reportable forms of abuse; filing a report & consequences of failing to report; and mandated reporters confidentiality rights.

Courtroom Decorum: This course provides strategies, approaches and recommendations to effectively prepare for successful outcomes in court appearances, testifying in court, and all interactions with the court including basic training on how to relate and speak to the judge effectively.

To use the Moodle Mobile app, you need to install it from the App Store or Google Play depending on which type of phone or tablet you use.

  • Type the site address,, then click Connect!
  • Type your login info, click Log in (same login info you would use for desktop).
  • Once you are logged in, you wont have to sign in each time you use the app.

Mobile phone

Tribal STAR offers trainings and technical assistance to improve outcomes for American Indian/Alaska Native children in child welfare. For more information on Tribal STAR trainings, click here.

The Online Education Initiative (OEI) has developed the Online Student Readiness Tutorials, a series of interactive multimedia tutorials that address the real challenges experienced by online students, new and experienced, while pursuing success in online classes. Therefore the goal of these tutorials is to assist California community college students with developing the skills required to be successful in an online course. For more information and to view the courses go to:

TechSoup provides the transformative technology solutions, the digital platforms, and the in-person experiences that enable people to work together toward a more equitable world.

Free Learning Resources & Webinars for NACTF Project Sites
Learning about Technology Online
A Few Good Online Conferencing Tools


This project is supported with funding awarded by the federal Children's Justice Act, through the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, with grant award CF15048670