Training Materials

Qualified Expert Witness:

This training session is designed for tribal social workers or advocates that represent tribes in Indian Child Welfare Act cases. This training session provides information on who is eligible to be a qualified expert witness, when to use an expert witness, how to identify and select an expert witness for when removal and termination decision making is required in an ICWA case.

Stages of Dependency:

The training content is designed to educate, promote, encourage, and support tribal and non-tribal advocates working with ICWA cases. It provides an overview of stages of dependency, law, and hearings required in dependency cases.

Court Advocacy Skills:

Provides a brief historical overview on ICWA; information on and implementation of ICWA provisions and the role of ICWA advocates; strategies, tools, and recommendations to achieve successful outcomes in court appearances, testifying in court, and all interactions with the court including basic training on how to communicate effectively with the judge.

Active Efforts:

The training content is designed to educate, promote, encourage, and support tribal and non-tribal advocates working on ICWA cases. It provides an overview of active efforts and active efforts in ICWA cases.

Active Efforts Job Aid Handouts:

Tribal Customary Adoptions:

The training content is designed to educate, promote, encourage, and support tribal and non-tribal advocates working on ICWA cases. It provides an overview of placement preferences such as T.C.A., and permanency planning.

Tribal Customary Adoptions Job Aid Handouts:

Tribal Criminal Background Checks:

The training content is designed to educate, promote, encourage, and support tribal and non-tribal advocates working with ICWA cases. It provides an overview of the application process for authorization pursuant to Penal Code Section 11105.08, where federally recognized tribes can approve their own homes for placement of their children removed from the custody of their parents or Indian custodian (25 U.S.C. § 1915).